Contact Contact John to discuss your design and/or web needs or simply to arrange to swing by the studio for a cup of tea and a chat. Your Full Name Please (required): Your Telephone contact: (required to contact you) Your Email (required): Subject: Your Message Type below the characters to the Left to confirm email. Now if your message is trying to sell your SEO skills, your marketing prowess, your financial planning, your hampers, your drones, your miracle cures, your drugs, your bitcoin, your inane scheme to make $$, etc then pls GO AWAY (F/O) as I will block and delete you on sight. On the other hand if you seriously do want genuine design, SEO or website development assistance, pls continue... Click Send button below to send when all fields are filled in correctly: BUT ... Please check for typos before you click on Send ! Δ My Studio Address (double click to read)Entrance: Alley Right, Gate Left!